Providing A Smarter Plan for Planning Resource

Throughout the UK, house builders, architects and renewables developers are finding increasing demands for ‘excessive information’ from Local Authority planning departments. With the demand for new properties and renewables developments increasing, the challenge is how to gain planning permission in time for their projects to continue.

In their journey to gain planning consent, developers have to face more stringent checks on their planning application than ever before. Developers are increasingly struggling to find the resource and specialists needed to meet the criteria that the Local Authority need to approve planning. It’s not hard to see why, where typical planning submission demands can include ecological surveys, environmental impact assessments (EIAs), roadway and traffic assessments and visualisations. Developers may have some in-house specialists, but with the ever increasing demands, it’s becoming more difficult to meet all of the technical requirements required by the planning authorities.

To further compound the matter, the Local Authority bodies themselves are under-resourced and face the mounting volume of evidence to consider for each application. It is not hard to see why private sector developers and architects find that their plans take a long time to gain approval. This is a frustrating fact for all parties as with added time comes significant costs, which could be avoided.

Cogeo's Director, Dave Anderson, commented; “Having the right foundations can mean all the difference between a project gaining planning approval and getting over the line.

To progress any development, aligning planning submissions to meet the awarding authority’s criteria, makes it easier to process and can make the difference to a profitable outcome. That adds value for everyone.”

He continued: “Planning applications require every box to be ticked. It’s a process that can be laborious, but worth it in the end. Gaining planning approval can seem like a daunting task for developers with all of the areas they need to address. With many developers having the same under resourced departments as local Authorities, that’s where the value of Cogeo and our full cycle outsourced department provides the necessary skills and services.”

Working with A Smarter Plan

Many housing developers and renewable energy developers are embracing the Cogeo model; an outsourced, fully resourced planning and environmental department that understands the awarding authority’s criteria.

Dave Anderson concluded: “The resources required today to achieve planning consent are considerable and can often either be a cost burden to the developers or be so under resourced, the skillsets, planning processes and time are simply not available to answer and meet the set criteria for planning.”

A smarter plan is available with Cogeo Planning & Envrionmental Services.

Build your planning department and only pay for what you need and when you need it. Don’t let your development fall at the first hurdle. Contact us to discuss support and how you can build your outsourced planning and environmental department.

Call 0141 212 1322 to arrange a free consultation.