Cogeo consent Eocycle turbine at Sandy Lane Farm

Shropshire Councillors take a dim view of National Planning Policy as they support local Landowner’s green ambitions.

Shropshire North’s Planning Committee voted unanimously to support Landowner, Anthony Ford’s application for a 31.6m wind turbine to support his dairy farm near Prees. This being in spite of the Local Planning Authority recommending the application for refusal on grounds of the National Planning Framework.

Cogeo’s role was to provide all planning and environmental assessment in support of the application which Planning Officers recognised as vital in concluding there to be no significant impact from the proposal. 

In spite of this the application was still proposed to be refused on the basis that “The NPPF states, at footnote 49 to paragraph 154, that proposals for wind energy development should not be considered acceptable unless they are in an area identified as suitable for wind energy development in the Development Plan”.

“As at present the Development Plan does not identify such areas, the proposed development is not considered to be acceptable”.

Local Members of the Planning Committee disagreed with the findings of the report and the mood of the chamber was summed up by Councillor Pauline Dee when she stated, “Just because we don’t yet have the government policy in place should not mean this positive application is refused.”

This could be a small but vital victory of farmers in Shropshire as Councillors look to amend policy to include areas where wind energy are considered suitable, a key component in allowing rural business to be supported by wind turbines in England.

Have you considered supporting your business with renewable energy? Are you looking into ways to diversify? Our Planning Consultants are on hand to provide an honest and straightforward review of what opportunities are available to landowners. Email for a free assessment of your site.