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Welcome to the

Muttonhole Road Battery Energy Storage System, Hamilton

Consultation Hub


This page has been created to present the proposed installation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on land north of Muttonhole Road, Hamilton, ML3 8RJ.

Whilst the project is in the early stages of the planning process, its conception has been in the works for a long time. As the energy supply in the UK begins to rely more on renewable energy technologies (i.e. wind and solar) there is an increased need for BESS developments to maintain a consistent supply while increasing production.

If you have any queries or wish to make a comment on this proposal, please use the dedicated enquiry form available below.

System Size/Capacity

500 MW

Grid Connection

275 kV for a stable energy supply


Muttonhole Road, Hamilton



Cogeo Planning & Environmental Services is working on behalf of Advance Grid Solutions Limited (AGS), to complete the planning and environmental assessments required to seek planning permission from the Energy Consents Unit (ECU), with the Local Planning Authority, South Lanarkshire Council a Statutory Consultee.


Advance Grid Solutions Limited (AGS), in affiliation with the Advance Group, provide specialist engineering services for BESS, solar and wind farm projects across the UK. AGS support net zero ambitions and through BESS and renewable energy projects are establishing a more resilient National Grid power network. AGS recognise that BESS is crucial in the transition to an innovative renewable energy sector, with their renewable energy projects powered by Megawatt Battery Energy Storage.

AGS will install and maintain the BESS site. AGS are experts in providing transmission connections to the Grid including distribution and transmission voltage level, with an ICP (Independent Connection Provider) capability up to 132 kV.


The proposal seeks approval from the ECU for the installation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and ancillary infrastructure with a generating capacity of 500MW on land north of Muttonhole Road. The 500MW BESS is proposed to store energy at times when supply is higher than demand and then later release energy when required. As the energy supply in the UK begins to rely more on renewable energy technologies (i.e. wind and solar) there is an increased need for BESS developments to maintain a consistent supply while increasing production.

Elevation Drawings

Battery Storage and PCS Unit Elevations
View Document
Security Fence and Pole Mounted CCTV Elevations
View Document

Proposed Installation

Technology is rapidly evolving for BESS and therefore there is an element of uncertainty in terms of the exact components which will be installed. However, indicatively, the development will comprise:

  • BESS units - 400x Sungrow ST2752UX-US 
  • Dimensions - L9.34m x W1.73m x H2.6m
  • PCS Units - 100x Sungrow SC5000UD - MV
  • PCS Dimensions - L6.06m x W2.44m x H2.9m

South Lanarkshire Council have recognised the climate emergency, and consequently have set ambitious targets to transition to a low-carbon economy and society. The council has a legislative requirement to contribute to the national greenhouse emissions reduction target of net-zero by 2045, with interim targets of 75% reduction by 2030 and 90% reduction by 2040.

Additionally, the council have produced a sustainable development and climate change strategy for 2022 to 2027 which focuses on maintaining a stable level of economic growth and employment, whilst providing clean alternative energy.

What Stage are we at with the Planning Process?

Given the scale of development, Cogeo submitted a Screening Opinion Request to the Scottish Government. The screening opinion has stated that no Environmental Impact Assessment is required for this development. Therefore, Cogeo is now working to compile the full planning application to seek planning permission for the BESS.

Planning permission will be submitted to the Scottish Government as Scottish Ministers are responsible for approving applications to build, operate or modify onshore electricity generating stations with capacities exceeding 50 megawatts.

Cogeo will endeavour to keep parties up to date on progress and works undertaken along the way.


If you’ve any questions or comments to make on this project at this stage, please complete the form below. The Project Team will track these comments throughout, and provide a response where required.

Any representations made at this stage are only made to the Cogeo Project Team. At the application stage, parties are invited to make representations on the project directly to the ECU.

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Form Privacy Statement

By completing this form you are agreeing that we can hold and process your personal data in relation to this consultation exercise.

  • We will only share your personal data with the planning team for planning evaluation purposes only.
  • Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.