With climate change regularly making heading news, relevant bodies and authorities are taking action to update their policies and legislation, putting environmental considerations at the forefront of progress. Flooding has become a widely discussed topic in recent years, especially with parts of the country regularly inundated with water from adverse weather conditions, unfortunately putting lives and homes at risk.
Technical advice note (TAN) 15: development, flooding and coastal erosion
The Welsh Government have been working to update their Technical Advice Notes, with “TAN 15: Development, Flooding and Coastal Erosion” now available for review. This new planning policy will be used throughout Wales by the Government and all Local Planning Authorities to assess suitable development, ensuring climate change is accounted for when assessing flood risk for future plans.
TAN 15 will come into effect on 1st December 2021, coinciding with updated flood mapping from Natural Resources Wales.
TAN 15 is available from the Welsh Government here: https://gov.wales/technical-advice-note-tan-15-development-flooding-and-coastal-erosion