Successful Planning Consent for Dwelling Near Hen Unit

A successful rural business southwest of Edzell, Angus, Dunlappie Hens sought permission for the erection of a new dwelling adjacent to the free-range hen unit. The purpose of the property was to house a new farm manager, taking over from the current manager, who is imminently retiring.

As an operating poultry unit with up to 29,000 birds onsite, it is essential that a worker is on hand to ensure they can address any issues or mechanical failures as soon as possible.

Dunlappie Hens approached Cogeo to support them in seeking planning permission from the Local Planning Authority for a new dwelling to attract a new farm manager, allowing the owner to forward plan and arrange the ordering of future flocks.

Designing a proposal within the area's policy constraints, in accordance with local design guidance, Cogeo compiled the Design and Access Statement for submission to the Council, alongside an Agricultural Need Report and planning drawings. Cogeo managed the application through the planning process, addressing queries from Consultees, including water supply and drainage.

With stringent policies preventing new housing within the sensitive rural landscape, Angus Council sought reassurances on the validity of the requirement for the property.

Cogeo provided the Authority with the confidence needed in the project, with planning permission granted in early October for a single 1.5 storey dwelling, with parking and access arrangements, including a separate garage. This project is a great success story for ourselves and the client, supporting the rural business with its future progression.