Keep up-to-date with everything that is happening at Cogeo.
Essential farmworker dwelling in close proximity to the free-range hen shed at Dunlappie achieves planning consent.
With flooding a widely discussed topic, the Welsh Government has published new guidance on flood risk, development and coastal erosion.
Clean Air Day is taking place on 17 June 2021 and is the UK's largest air pollution campaign.
Lockdown sales boost leaves Farmer needing planning consent for his expanding egg sales business.
Our Planning Team secures another consent to increase the capacity of the Ayrshire Views Glamping Site allowing our client to capitalise on the growing staycation market.
Cogeo gains consent for another 2MWs of renewable energy before of the September RHI cut.
Cogeo's Planning Team secures consent for Ayrshire Views Glamping site supporting farm diversification
Welsh Government announces a 20% increase in planning fees from the 24th of August 2020.
Cogeo's Director, Dave Anderson, spoke to The Herald about the company's involvement in the Viking Energy Network Jarrow project which is planning to use water from the Tyne to heat homes and hospitals.